Upcoming Group Workshops
Reflection and Insights: Preparing for a New Year
Looking back in appreciation as
We prepare to move forward into a New Year.
Wednesday, Jan. 18th 2023
6-8pm PST, Zoom
Through light movement, writing, sharing, drawing and for some who chose, creating a vision board this is a facilitated space where we will have the chance to reflect in appreciation on the last year of 2022 and our accomplishments and life experiences as well as taking the time to create space for exploring what we want for ourselves in this coming year of 2023.
We will do light trauma informed movement in the beginning of the session to land in this space together and settle into our bodies as well. There will be the option of inviting ancestors into the space to accompany us as well as group sharing on our reflections and guided exercises to warm up our creativity and imaginations. Participants can create a vision board if they would like, or an image that will help them in discovery of their hopes, imaginings and goals for this new year of 2023!
Identity and Ancestry Workshop
Understanding Self to Heal Community
Wednesdays, Nov. 17th + 24th, 2021
6-8pm PST, Zoom
The first step to healing community is understanding ourselves. It's so uncommon in our society to have the space to talk about and explore creatively through these themes such as race, ancestry, hardship and resiliency, privilege and oppression. In this gentle, open and accepting workshop participants will have a safe held space to explore their multiple and complex identities and to have the opportunity to have self reflection and sharing.
In our time together, we will begin to place ourselves and understand both the systems that we live within and also our personal experiences that have helped to shape who we are. There will be engagement with meditation and grounding, music, writing, drawing, light meditation and light movement.
No Experience is needed around this theme or with these creative activities. This will be a safe container to learn, unlearn and make mistakes in this journey together.
Self-Compassion Workshop
Grounding Through The Arts
Wednesday Oct. 27th, 2021
6-8pm PST, Zoom Free
Self Compassion is tough. It's so much easier to offer others love and to be hard on ourselves.
This workshop offers the chance to build up strength in the places that need it and to learn how to offer gentleness when we need it. How can we listen to learn more about what we need in the moment? We'll be looking at different grounding techniques to help soothe when we need it and to explore this theme of self-compassion and self-love through creation and sharing.
No Experience is needed at all.
There will be light movement, guided meditation, art creation, journaling and sound work.
This workshop is Sponsoured by Small Neighbourhood Grants
Nature Based Expressive Arts Therapy
Grounding in Nature Workshop
Saturday, June 27th, 2021
11am-1pm PST
This in person workshop will take place at the Pacific Spirit Park in Vancouver, BC.
On the Unceded Traditional Territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tseil'Waututh People.
This offering will be an opportunity to come together in nature and appreciate and harness a connection to ourselves, to our environment and to one another. How does mindfulness, meditation and movement help us to engage more fully with ourselves and our environment?
How does slowing down to sink into nature, begin to be reflected in ourselves?How can we bring this connection to nature and to grounding with us in our day to day lives?
We will have the opportunity to have reflections through image creation and writing. There may also be several facilitated songs or sounds.
Moving Through Grief
Online Workshop -8 Week Series
Healing through connection and creativity
Wednesdays, May 19th-July 14th, 2021 (no class June 23rd)
6:00-8:00pm PST
The healing of grief is not linear. It can become compounded and come back to surprise us when we least expect it.
During this workshop we will have a small intimate group of people to share and explore our healing in grief and loss together. Whether we've lost a loved one, an aspect of ourselves or the regular life and connections that we've had to give up during covid, being together, sharing and being witnessed in this journey together will offer the healing and compassion that we need to grow stronger.
There will be light movement, guided meditation, art creation, journaling, and sound work. This is an entry level expressive arts therapy workshop and no previous experience is needed!
Facilitated Open Workshop
Connecting through Creativity and Sharing
Online Workshop - 5 Week Series
Tuesdays, May 18th-June 15th, 2021
This open studio space is a place where you can come together with others and have the time and space to create and check in with yourself. Unlike other workshops, there won't be a dedicated theme to work on (ie. Grief, Self-Compassion, Anxiety) but rather a held space where you can really check in and see what comes up for you today, in this moment.
There still will be prompts for creating your artwork for those of you that would like a bit more direction in your creation. For the others, your creations will come without prompts. We will come together in the beginning of the workshops, and have light warm up activities including guided meditation, light movement and breathing. There will also be the opportunity to come back together as a group, in order to check in with one another, build connections and to share your experience and creations with other participants.
Materials that you would need for these workshops include pen or pencil and paper for writing and any materials that you would like to use during the workshop for your creations. This could include, pastels, felts, pencil crayons, paints. Some people may be drawn towards collage in which case you may like to have scissors, glue, and some magazines. Other days you may be inclined to bring natural elements to the space. Each week, I will send an email with invitations for creation ideas. It will beopen to participants whether they would like to try materials suggested or follow their own self-directed creation.
Self-Compassion Workshop
Checking in Through the Arts
Online Workshop - 4 Week Series
Next Date TBD*
Wednesdays Nov. 4-Dec. 2nd (no class Nov. 11th) , 2020
6-7:30PM PST
These have been trying times for many of us. Join this small group workshop to have a check in to see how you've been doing during the pandemic and explore how you can support yourself on this journey to recovery. We will gather each week for an hour and half to check in, make art and express how we've been doing through the arts. Join us and experience the healing effects of group sharing and art making.
There will be light movement, guided meditation, art creation, journaling and sound work.
Self-Compassion Workshop (Part II)
Finding My Truth
Online Workshop - 4 Week Series
Next Date *TBD
Wednesdays, Oct. 7th-28th, 2020
6-7:30pm PST
In our last workshop we explored our self-compassion, self criticism, and ways that we can offer ourselves self-love, self-care and grounding as we navigate forgiveness and acceptance of the parts of ourselves that are more prone to harshness and criticism.
Here, we will be exploring the concepts of our own personal truthes in relation to boundaries and giving voice to them. This workshop will be continuing to focus on our own awareness and then helping to take action for our next steps in sharing.
We’ll be working on our self-awareness to know and feel our truths in our bodies so that we can recognize when we need to take action and speak up. This might mean, taking time for yourself instead of taking on more work or going out with friends. It might mean sharing that you feel uncomfortable with words or actions that someone may have said or done with you.
It’s this awareness and attention to our needs that can then help us to feel more connected, to others in our family, friends, colleagues and communities. Self-compassion and the expression of our own personal boundaries will help us to continue to grow and improve our lives so that we can stay in touch with our own truths and also learn to express them to others.
There will be light movement, guided meditation, art creation, journaling, and sound work.
To partake in this workshop participants will have either taken (Part I) or booked 3, 90 minute individual sessions to cover what we did in (Part I).
Custom Group Workshops
Friends, Organizations, Companies:
Whether you're a small group of friends, colleagues or an organization working with a specific demographic. Reach out to me here and choose your timing for your very own custom group workshop.
Contact me at HollyExpressiveArts@gmail.com with group information to request a quote.
People who have participated in group workshops have described themselves as feeling and experiencing:
A sense of community
A shared community
Able to be your genuine self
That you’re not alone in your hurt or struggles
Self reflection
Sense of openness
Time to relax and be creative
Trust in others
Respect of others
Be seen and heard
Feel cared for